1st Trimester Curriculum

First Trimester


God made all things

God gives us light

God gives us water


Sort objects by likeness

Identify what makes an object different

Sort objects based on color, shape and size

Solve problems by using logical reasoning

Identify various three – dimensional ( solid figures)

Identify various two – dimensional (plane figures)

Solve problems by finding a pattern


Words in a sentence



Phoneme isolation

Phoneme matching

Phoneme categorization

Phoneme blending/segmenting

Phoneme deletion/addition

Phoneme substitution

The alphabet

Initial f,m,and s


Alike and different

Nonliving things

Living things

How air helps plants and animals

How water helps plants and animals

How food helps plants and animals

Plants and animals need space or shelter to live

Social Studies

Use illustrations



Getting along

During the month of October, we will be covering.


· God created all kinds of animals.

· Celebrate God’s love throughout the Church year.

· Celebrating the lives of the saints during Ordinary Time.


· Geometry and patterns.

· Positions.


· Develop oral language.

· Develop phonological awareness.

· Practice comprehension skills: character, sequence, categorization,

· Read high- frequency letters: I- am- the- little- to- a- is- have.

· Introduce consonants m, t.

· Introduce short a.

· Introduce letters Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz/


· Review letters f, m.

· Introduce initial consonants s, t, h, and b.

· Match final /t/ and /b/.

· Introduce high- frequency words (The- is- for- me).

· Isolate final m, s, t, h, and b.

· Recognize singular and plural of frequency used words.


· Growing and Changing:

1. How do animals change?

How do animals move

How are these animals alike and different?

What are the parts of a plant?

How do plants grow?

· Plants and animals all around

What are some plants and animals that live on land?

Social Studies:

· Solving problems.

· School Helpers.

· Neighborhoods.

· Maps.

· Signs.

During the month of November, we will be covering the following

God made all people.

Learning that God our creator made and loves all people.

God made us.

Using the senses God gave us to discover God’s world.

· God helps us to discover.

Seeing the ways we can learn about God in our families.

· We learn about God with our families.

Sharing God’s love by caring for our families and friends.


· Positions.

1. Identify positions such as above, below, top, middle, and bottom.

2. Identify positions on, over, under, inside, outside, in front, and behind.

3. Identify positions left, right, between, before, and after.

4. Solve problems by following directions and acting out a problem.

· Numbers 0-10.

1. Identify and make groups with as many as, more, or fewer objects.

2. Identify, show, and draw groups through 10 objects.


· Develop oral language.

· Develop phonological awareness.

· Practice comprehension skills: main idea, realism and fantasy, and sequence.

· Introduce adjectives for colors, shapes, opposites, numbers and sizes.

· Introduce and practice high-frequency words( my-like-we-for-he).

· Introduce consonants Ss, Kk, and Pp.

· Introduce short i.


· Writing initial f, m, s, t, h, b in context.

· Literature introduction to initial l, d, c, n, g, w.

· Initial l, d, c.

· Reviewing l, d, c. Final/d/.

· Initial /n/ Nn, /g/ Gg, /w/ Ww.

· Reviewing initial n, g, w; Final /n/ and /g/.

· Reading High-Frequency Words (I-can-be-a).


Plants and animals all around.

· What are some plants and animals that live on land?

· What are some plants and animals that live in water?

· What are some plants and animals that live in hot places?

· What are some plants and animals that live in cold places?

· What are some other places plants and animals live?

Social Studies:

· Signs: Why do signs tell us?

· Rules: Why do we have rules?

· Community Helpers: Who helps out in a community?

· Communities: How is your community like one of these?