First Grade Curriculum


Religion: “We Believe”

Unit 1: Jesus Teaches Us About God’s Love

God created the world and all people

God sent Jesus, his own Son, to us

Jesus grew up in a family (The Holy Family)

Jesus worked among the people, sharing God’s love

Learn how Jesus wants us to live our daily lives

Learn about the Church year

Learn that we celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus in Ordinary time

Unit 2: We Are Followers of Jesus

Jesus had many followers.

Jesus died and rose to new life.

Jesus sends the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit helps the Church to grow.

The Church serves.

Advent and Christmas

Unit 3: We Belong to the Church

We Belong to a Parish

We Celebrate the Sacraments

The Church Welcomes New Members

We Are Followers of Jesus

We Celebrate God’s Forgiveness

Lent, The Three Days & Easter

Unit 3: We Belong to the Church

We Belong to a Parish

We Celebrate the Sacraments

The Church Welcomes New Members

We Are Followers of Jesus

We Celebrate God’s Forgiveness

Lent, The Three Days & Easter

Unit 4: We Celebrate and Live Our Faith

Jesus gives us the Eucharist

We Celebrate the Mass

We Share God’s Love

We Honor Mary and the Saints

We Care for the Gifts of God’s Creation

Reading: Reading Street

Unit 1: “Animals, Tame and Wild”

The children will discover how people and animals are important to one another. They will read orally and answer questions about what they read. They will recognize high-frequency and selection words. They will learn about characters, settings, realism and fantasy, parts of a book, picture dictionary, library resources, cause and effect, main ideas, maps and the calendar.

Language Arts:(Spelling, Phonics, Writing)

A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea

Naming parts of sentences tell who or what the sentence is about

A sentence has an action part that tells what a person or thing does

The order of words in a sentence must make sense

A telling sentence tells something and begins with a capital, ends with a period

A question is an asking sentence and begins with a capital letter, ends with a question mark

blend, read, build and spell words with short vowel sounds

learn beginning, middle and final consonant sounds

final ck, x, -s (plurals)

inflected ending -s, -ing

initial and final blends

understand all sound-symbol relationships to writing words

Unit 2: “Communities”

The children will read about People in Communities; how people live and work together and Communities in Nature; how animals live and work together to survive. They will read oral and answer questions about what they read. They will recognize high-frequency and selection words. They will learn about cause & effect, author’s purpose, sequence of events, compare and contrast, parts of a book, ABC order, maps, picture dictionary, and how to find information on a poster and in a newsletter.

Language Arts:(Spelling, Phonics, Writing)

nouns name a person, place or thing

proper nouns are special names for people, places, animals and things

special titles

days, months and holidays

nouns add “s” to mean more than one

digraphs, sh, th, wh, ch, tch

blend, read, build and spell words with long vowel sounds

inflected ending -ed


contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll

Unit 3 “Changes”

The children will learn what is changing in our world. They will read orally and answer questions about what they read. They will recognize high frequency words and selection words. They will learn to compare and contrast, identify the plot and the theme of a story, draw conclusions about the characters and events in a story, identify the sequence of events, learn that a play is meant to be acted out. They will learn to write words in ABC order, identify the parts of a glossary, locate places on a map, read a diagram, identify parts of a computer, create and read a bar graph. Identify synonyms, antonyms, multiple meaning words, syllables and compound words. Respond to poetry, a realistic story, recognize text structure in a letter, in non fiction and nonfiction illustrations with captions.

Language Arts:(Spelling, Phonics, Writing)

action verbs

verbs that add -s and do not add -s

verbs for now and the past

learn about am, is, are, was and were

contractions with not

long e and long i :y

words ending with ng and nk

words that end with -es and -ed

comparative endings -er and -est

long vowels and r controlled vowels

consonant blends

Unit 4: “Treasures”

The children will learn that treasures are things that are valuable or important to us. They will read orally and answer questions about what they read. They will recognize high frequency words and selection words. They will learn to draw conclusions, identify the theme of a story, author’s purpose, realism and fantasy, identify the character, setting and plot of a story, cause and effect. They will learn to write words in ABC order, identify the parts of a glossary, read a calendar, chart and table, email and bar graph. Identify long vowel words, possessives, inflected endings -ed, -er, -es, three letter blends,, read words with kn /n/, wr /r/, vowels ew, us, ui, vowel sound in moon, suffixes -ly, -ful and compound words.

Language Arts:(Spelling, Phonics, Writing)


adjectives name colors

adjectives name shapes

adjectives name sizes

adjectives tell what kind

adjectives tell how many

adjectives ending with -er and -est compare

long vowel a spelled ai and ay

long vowel e spelled ea

long vowel o spelled oa, ow

compound words

suffixes -ly, -ful

long vowels and r controlled vowels

consonant blends

Unit 5: “Great Ideas”

The children will learn that a great idea can make a difference. They will read orally and answer questions about what they read. They will recognize high frequency words and selection words. They will learn about the character, setting and plot, sequence of events, compare and contrast, the main idea of a story, draw conclusions, and theme. They will learn to use reference sources, use a glossary, picture graph, learn about parts of a book, how to read a web page, and how to use an encyclopedia. The children will learn diphthongs ow / ou, ou/ou, oi, oy, syllables, suffixes and prefixes, inflected endings, long vowels and vowel sounds aw, au and short e (ea).

Language Arts:(Spelling, Phonics, Writing)

command sentences

exclamation sentences

how sentences begin and end


using I and me

vowel sound in how, out

vowel sound in book and moon

vowel sound in boy, saw

prefixes un-, re-

long vowels and r controlled vowels

consonant blends

consonant digraphs

word structure

Math: Progress in Mathematics

Chapter 1: “Numbers, Number Words, and Ordinals”

compare and order whole numbers to 12

read and write ordinal numbers to 10th

solve problems by acting them out

Chapter 2, “Addition Strategies and Facts to 12”

add numbers with sums of 12 or less

complete and write addition sentences for sums of 12 or less

identify patterns and complete addition patterns, sums to 12

solve problems by writing a number sentence

Chapter 3: “Subtraction Strategies”

learn subtractions facts to 12

identify pattern rules and subtraction patterns

relate addition and subtraction

solve two-step problems that involve sequence

Chapter 4: “Data and Graphs-Using Operations”

make and interpret charts and graphs

add and subtract to interpret data from charts and graphs

find the range, mode and median for a set of data

solve problems using information on charts and graphs

Chapter 5: “Place Value to 100”

read and write numbers to 100

compare and order numbers

recognize odd and even numbers and skip count by 5’s and 2’s

solve problems using logical reasoning

Chapter 6: “Extending Addition and Subtraction Facts”

add numbers with sums of 20 or less

subtract from 20 or less

solve problems by making a table

Chapter 7: “Geometry”

identify and sort plane figures

identify and sort solid figures

recognize different geometric transformations

solve problems by finding and using a pattern

Chapter 8: “Money and time”

recognize the value of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar

count on with pennies, nickels dime and quarters to find the value of a group of coins

tell and write time to the hour and half hour

solve problems by reading a schedule or through logical reasoning

Chapter 9: “Measurement”

explore length and customary and metric units of length

explore capacity and customary and metric units of capacity

explore measurement of weight and temperature

solve problems by using the make-a-model strategy

Chapter 10: “Addition: Two-Digit Numbers”

add two digit numbers without regrouping

explore rounding and estimating sums

solve problems by using the guess and test strategy

Chapter 11: “Subtraction- Two-Digit Numbers”

subtract ones and tens without regrouping

explore rounding and estimating differences

solve problems using more than one step

Chapter 12: “Fractions and Probability”

explore fractions using 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4

explore the basics of probability

make a model or draw to solve a problem

Social Studies- All Together

Unit 1: “Time for School”

This unit introduces children to aspects of life at school, such as

daily routines, rules, school history, and individuals who have contributed to education.

Unit 2: “In My Community”

This unit introduces children to aspects of life in a community and helps children learn about their relationship to home, neighborhood, community and state.

Unit 3: “Work!, Work!, Work!”

This unit introduces children to the concepts of jobs at home and at school and explores basic economic concepts relating to how people work to fulfill their economic needs and wants.

Unit 4: “Our Earth, Our Resources”

This unit introduces children to our earth and its resources, and identifies and describes physical characteristics of places such as landforms, bodies of water, and weather.

Unit 5: “This is Our Country”

In this unit children learn about people and events that have helped shape the history of the United States. They explore the origins of some of our national holidays and symbols, and they learn about the roles played by our leaders.

Unit 6: “Our Country, Our World”

In this unit children learn about the market, decision-making, technology, and inventions. They also learn about life around the world.


Unit 1: “Life Science”

This unit introduces the children to:

“Living and Non-Living”- What are living things?, What do plants need?,

What do animals need?, and what are non-living things?

“Habitats”-What is a forest habitat?, What is a wetland habitat?, What is an ocean habitat? and What is a desert habitat?

“How Plants and Animals Live”- What helps animals live in their habitat?,

How do animals get food?, What can help protect animals?, What are some parts of plants?, and What helps protect plants?

“Life Cycles”- How does a frog grow?, How does a butterfly grow?, How do animals grow and change?, How does a daisy grow?, How do trees grow?, and How do plants grow and change?

“Food Chains”-How do plants and animals get their food?, How do living things get food in a rain forest?, and How do living things get food in a marsh?

Unit 2: “Earth Science”

This unit introduces the children to:

“Land, Water and Air”: What makes up Earth”, What are rocks and soil?, What changes land?, How do living things use natural resources?, How can you reduce, reuse and recycle?

“Weather”- How can you measure weather?, How do clouds form?, What are some kinds of wet weather?, What are the four seasons?

Unit 3: Physical Science”

This unit introduces the children to:

“Observing Matter”- What is matter?, What are solids, liquics and gases”, How does matter change?, How can water change?, and What are other ways matter changes?

“Movement and Sound”- What makes things move?, What is speed?, How do things move?, What do magnets do?, How are sounds make? and What sounds are around us?

“Learning About Energy”- What gives off heat?, What can energy do?, What makes light and shadows?, What uses energy around us?, and How do you get energy?