Report Card Marking Codes

Report Card Marking Codes for Grade 3:

The marking code for the subcategories under Religion, Communication Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science is:

E   –   Exceeds   ( High Understanding ) – Student demonstrates a high level of skill, knowledge, and performance

S   –   Secure     ( Understanding Demonstrated ) – Student has a solid understanding of concepts, skills, and knowledge

D   –   Developing ( Growth Demonstrated ) – Student demonstrates progress but lacks full understanding.

B   –   Beginning  ( Beginning Stages ) – Student demonstrates an emerging interest in concepts being taught.

N   –   Not Yet Performing ( Assistance Required ) – Student lacks understanding and requires teacher support.

The marking code for Art, Health, Introduction to World Language, Music, Physical Education, and Technology , as well as for the Social Development & Study Skills, is:

E   –   Exceeds

S   –   Secure

D   –   Developing

B   –   Beginning

N   –   Not Yet Performing